You may find frequently asked questions about hair transplant process below.

Does it look natural? (Will everyone know I’ve had a hair transplant?)

This is where careful selection of a qualified hair restoration specialist is essential. Applying the principles of hair restoration is not enough. Because hair restoration is an art, a natural result is not something that “just anyone” can manufactur. Most patients with realistic expectations want to have their hair reflect more the age and energy they feel inside while retaining a natural appearance of their own unique features. Consistently achieving an undetectable result is the sign of a successful hair restoration specialist.

What does the donor area look like after a hair transplant?

Once the donor grafts are obtained, the donor area is sutured leaving only a fine line. Time and again our patients tell us that they swim, shower and have the wind blow their hair with the donor site remaining undetectable. Most patients will tell you that this area heals so well that even their hairdressers are genuinely surprised to hear that they have had a hair transplant.

How many grafts will I need? How many sessions?

That will depend on the extent of your hair loss and the number of implants per hair restoration surgery. Also, the number of sessions required to fill in a given area depends on the density that is desired. The color and quality of the donor hair, the degree of original hair loss, an individual’s facial features and many other factors can also affect patient satisfaction with one session. For example, a natural appearing hairline can be achieved with one session. However, the density and hairline refinements desired by most people require two or three hair restoration sessions.

How much time for one session?

Microscopic dissection (creating individual grafts under microscopic magnification) takes time! A hair transplantation procedure may take from 6-10 hours. A scalp reduction may take approximately 3 hours. This time is depended upon the amount of work to be done, and how well you follow pre-op instructions. We ask that you plan to spend the day with us when you are having a hair transplant.

Does the hair transplant procedure hurt?

Patients are given local anesthesia in the donor and recipient areas. Most patients find that once the anesthesia is given that they feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. Following surgery patients will typically feel some amount of soreness and numbness, with some mild discomfort. Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how minimal the discomfort from the surgical procedure is. 

Will people know I had a hair transplant?

Immediately following surgery a patient’s recipient area is typically pink with scabs forming around the micro incisions. These hundreds of tiny incisions will heal rapidly within a week to ten days.

During the first few days after the surgery a person’s hair transplants will be noticeable if there is no previous hair to mask these temporary scabs. However, most patients feel comfortable being in public without wearing a hat within 5 to 7 days following surgery.

Once the transplanted hair grows out the results should look entirely natural, even under close examination.

Are the results permanent?

Since the hair follicles that are transplanted to the balding areas are genetically resistant to going bald, they will continue to grow for a lifetime – just as if they had been left in the bald resistant donor area.

When will I see the new hair growth from the grafts?

It will take about four to six months after your hair restoration procedure to see new growth

Is hair restoration surgery safe?

This is one of the most frequent and most important questions we are asked. The risks of hair transplantation surgery reported in the medical literature are quite uncommon. Please don’t hesitate to discuss any concerns you have. We’ll be happy to provide a report of any complications associated with procedures your considering.

What about scalp reductions?

Scalp reductions are rarely performed any more due to significant advancements in the art of hair transplantation. With the superior results from follicular unit grafting, scalp reduction has become a procedure of the past. Although we are trained and highly qualified, with both education and experience performing scalp reduction surgery, we encourage a thorough discussion prior to undergoing this procedure. We strongly recommend a second concurring opinion prior to undergoing scalp reduction. If you have had previous scalp reduction and are dissatisfied with the results, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Will I be awake during surgery?

During the procedure, a patient may listen to music, watch a favorite sporting event or enjoy a movie. Some patients simple chose to relax or even take a nap. We use local anesthesia (numbing medicine) in the donor to obtain the grafts and close the area with sutures that are removed in a few days.

When can I wash my hair?

We ask you to return to the office the day following hair restoration surgery so we can remove the dressings. You can very gently wash your hair on postoperative day four and vigorously wash your hair on postoperative day seven. We ask you to avoid hair dryers and curling irons for a week following hair transplant surgery. Also at one week postoperatively, you may resume mousse, gels, and hairspray along with gentle brushing of grafts and return to regular brushing of nongrafted hair. We also request that you avoid curling irons for two weeks following hair transplant surgery.

How long am I out of work?

You may return to work the next day and resume full activity within a few days. However, you will have tiny red spots where grafts are planted for about a week after the procedure. If work is physically strenuous, you should plan to take 1 week off. Patients are asked to avoid any heavy lifting, bending and straining for one week following surgery. For several days after the procedure, many patients wear a cap to cover the new transplants.

In which cases is it not possible to perform hair transplantations?

Hair transplantation will not be appropriate when the hairs in the nape region and the body are not suitable.

Patients with diseases (heart, high pressure, diabetes) and allergies have to indicate these. The decision is made after negotiations on the details upon the charge free pre-examination.

Hair transplantation can be applied to everyone as of 18 years. 

What is forbidden after the transplantation?

Avoid strong sunlight and incidents, likely to cause permanent trauma of your haired skin for 4-6 weeks. The sleeping position, sexual intercourse, tobacco and impacts should be avoided during the first 3 days after the transplantation. Heavy work, sport, swimming, Turkish bath, sauna and alcohol are prohibited for 1 month.

What are the medications I will need to use?

The medications you will need to use will be prescribed and delivered to you (pain killers, antibiotics, oedema dissolver, gastroprotectives, pomade, lotion, shampoo).

Will all the transplanted hairs grow?

The transplanted hairs are under guarantee. At the same time, also your own hairs will increase due to the performed care (PRP). 

Will the transplanted hairs fall off by time?

The hair follicles, retrieved from the nape, will not fall off. The genetic structure of the follicles in this region have a biology which provides the cell functions in order to keep them vital a lifetime and never to fall off. They preserve the cell structure in the transplanted region, too, and the transplanted hair doesn’t fall off.

Must the hair shortened to size 1?

0.7mm diameter tips, called punches, are used in order to b able to retrieve tissue from the nape region. The nape and all your hair is shortened to size 1 in order for that these tips can retract hair follicle from the skin and in order to ensure the transplantation of your hair by the FUE technique. 
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